Breakout Session 3 2021

Forgiveness: A Process of Letting Go





David Sedlacek, PhD, LMSW, CFLE
Professor of Family Ministry and Discipleship
Andrews University Theological Seminary

Beverly Sedlacek, DMP
University Medical Specialties



Factors that contribute to bitterness and resentment will be explored include childhood trauma, severity of the abuse and attachment style. The elements of the process of forgiveness will be explored including identifying and embracing the pain, experiencing the comfort of other humans and God. It is also important to discuss what forgiveness is not including not making abuse okay, not being required to trust the abuser, and not spiritualizing abuse away.

Forgiving without Enabling: A Grace-Based Response to Abuse





Jennifer Jill Schwirzer
Abide Network



Christians toss around the idea of forgiveness freely. In abuse prevention and response work, we see this beautiful teaching used to circumvent accountability. Forgiveness used to enable can lead to its wholesale rejection; yet this harms everyone involved. This presentation—from the book Safe Churches—wrestles through these issues to arrive at a grace-based, but accountability-embracing, solution.

The influence of forgiveness on health and healing





Katia G. Reinert, PhD
Associate Health Ministries Director
General Conference of SDA



As human beings, all of us experience some form of conflict, injustice, or the feeling of being wronged in our relationships. This is particularly true in romantic relationships and among family members. Often, these situations lead people to either choose to forgive the offender or to withhold forgiveness, holding on to bitterness. As it turns out, this choice can have a significant lasting impact on one’s health and wellbeing. Researchers have studied forgiveness in the last decades and results revealed strong evidence for the positive influence of forgiveness on physical, mental and social health. This presentation discusses various ways forgiveness can impact one’s health and bring transformational healing to individuals, families and communities.

12 Biblical Principles of Forgiveness

Watch the Seminar




Lourdes E. Morales-Gudmundsson, PhD
Retired Adjunct Professor
La Sierra University



The gracious gift of forgiveness is modeled first in the Christian tradition by God the Father who, through the Son, extended that gift to those who hurt Him even while they were still hurting Him! And He did so to elicit repentance. The popular notion that one must wait for the offender to confess and repent before the gift of forgiveness can be given is exactly the opposite of the biblical, Christian view. In this study we will discover the power of forgiveness to overcome even the most ingrained personality traits that militate against forgiveness.

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