Breakout Session 2 2021
Using Behavioral Activation to Treat Depression: An Evidence-Based Treatment
Christiana Howell
Trilogy Counseling
Participants will get the opportunity to engage in a discussion of its applicability in various case studies, as well as its potential strengths and weaknesses as a treatment approach
How to Stay Afloat in A World Full of Adversity: Combating Adverse Childhood Experience
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers, LMSW, CCTP, CCTS-I.
Erick Pena MDiv/MSWStudent, Clinical intern
International Center for Trauma Education & Care School of Social Work
Laia Burgos MSW Student
The presentation will provide an understanding of adverse childhood experiences and will outline seven positive experiences to combat the impact of adversity. We will also analyze different implementations where Adventist communities can apply growth and healing from adverse childhood experiences.
Unique Stressors and Coping Strategies of Female Pastoral Couples
Alina M. Baltazar, PhD, MSW, LMSW, CFLE
Associate Professor & MSW Program Director of Social Work. Prevention Education, I.P.A.Andrews University
David Sedlacek, PhD, LMSW, CFLE
Professor of Family Ministry and DiscipleshipAndrews University Theological Seminary
Female pastoral couples face some unique challenges which can cause stress. This presentation will give results of a survey and individual interviews with female pastors and their husbands located in the Trans-European Division and the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These couples report stress in the areas of finance, social network and pastoral expectations from the congregation and the church. Participants were concerned about congregational needs taking priority over the needs of the family, lack of good social network, high cost of living, and the relocation of pastoral families. Coping strategies included good self-care, talking to and connecting with others, taking time for personal devotions and family worship, good financial management and saving schemes, and finding good balance between work and personal life. These results will be compared to a similar study conducted in the North American Division among male pastoral couples.
Shaping Your Child’s Biblical Worldview
S. Joseph Kidder, DMin
Andrews University Theological Seminary
Katelyn Campbell Weakley, MDiv, MSW, Pastor
We will determine how to engage with worldview at a child’s various developmental stages and look at a prime Biblical example of parental influence on a child’s worldview—the life of Timothy. With prayerful and intentional forethought, parents can use the early years of their children’s lives to have an eternal impact.